Hearing Loss

A lot of us know someone affected by hearing loss. In Australia 1 in 5 people live with the condition. This number increases to 1 in 2 for people over 60 years of age. Hearing loss progresses over time and it is best to recognise the signs early.

Hearing loss can significantly affect the quality of life for people with hearing loss and their families. The extent of the hearing loss also varies, from a mild to a profound hearing loss where loud safety signals may not be heard. Often, hearing loss shows through struggling to understand simple conversations, particularly in the presence of background noise.

Are you suffering from hearing loss?

While permanent hearing damage can occur suddenly at any age
due to noise exposure, head virus or injury, hearing also declines
slowly as we age.

You may be suffering from hearing loss if you:

  • Often ask people to repeat what they’ve just said

  • Have difficulty following conversations

  • Read lips to determine what people are saying

  • Have trouble hearing on the phone

  • Experience ringing in your ears

  • Have the TV or radio turned up excessively high

  • Experience difficulty hearing in crowded locations, such as restaurants and shopping centres

If you recognise any of the above signs, your hearing may be affected.

The next step is to arrange an appointment with us. A comprehensive hearing test will be conducted to determine the amount of loss.

Hearing aids may be suggested or referral to an ear, nose and throat specialist may be necessary in some cases.